10 Reasons to Learn Tai Chi in Penang, Malaysia
1: What you can learn:
Whether you are a total beginner looking to experience tai chi for the first time, an intermediate student with some knowledge of the art or a seasoned practitioner looking to take the next step, we can tailor make a tai chi course to suit your skill level, aspirations and time frame.
The beauty of training with us here in Penang is that you control the level of immersion into the training and you can learn without the normal distractions of daily life.
Our philosophy is to keep it simple. Most tai chi is taught upside down. By that I mean students are pumped full of choreography and techniques without due attention to the foundation.
To reach a higher skill level, the body must be conditioned and the mind left uncluttered by the absurd notion of having to 'remember' a move. We are about building the 'Tai Chi Being' and developing genuine skills. Creating a healthy body and happy mind is the ultimate goal.

Tai Chi Instructor - John Hanna
You will learn with an English speaking teacher who will carefully explain each step. John has studied with several of the world's leading Masters, was Government accredited in Australia and has competed Internationally in Tai Chi.
He has 25 years of teaching experience yet maintains a beginner's passion for the art.
"I consider myself 10% Teacher, 90 % Student. Tai chi is an endless yet deeply satisfying journey into the realm of human potential."
We all have differing reasons for exploring the art of tai chi but here we focus on the constants - correct structure, relaxation and listening energy. You are then equipped to go deeper into what ever aspects or styles of tai chi interest you.
2: Holistic Experience & Care:
We have learned the hard way, training with various Masters in China and Malaysia, that you need to do a lot of research into accommodation, transport, suitable eating options and places of interest before taking the plunge.
Once there, language is often a problem, both in the transmission of tai chi skills and in daily life. Much of your time can be spent on extraneous needs at the expense of a quality holiday.
Our focus is on giving you a complete service. Apart from tai chi lessons, we are on hand 24/7 to help you with all requirements.
Our involvement is generally to provide you with options for meals, good coffee ( we're Melbourne coffee snobs ), sight-seeing, transport, shopping and any specific requests. We can either direct you or accompany you, depending on your preferred level of independence.

One of our Favourite Accommodation Choices - Ren i Tang - in the Heart of Little India
We can also arrange accommodation for you according to your budget and required facilities. You can really make the most of your time in beautiful Penang by drawing on our 20 years of experience living here.
3: Unique Location:
You will be staying in George Town, perhaps the most interesting and culturally diverse city in Asia. Awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 2008, George Town is a collection of urban ethnic enclaves that retain their old architecture and crumbling street-scapes.
George Town is like nowhere else, an eclectic mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and other ethnic communities living harmoniously together in an old town that often resembles a movie set.

Old Streets of George Town
After 20 years we never tire of wondering the narrow streets and alleyways. Little wonder visitors return year after year for their Penang fix.
4: The Weather:
It's tropical, so you never need to wear anything more than a T-shirt and shorts, day or night. We generally avoid training in the hottest part of the day but mornings, late afternoon and evening are ideal.
The muscles are loose, joints free and toxins are sweated out. Drink lots of water and enjoy not being cold.
5: The Food:
Penang is sometimes referred to as the kitchen of Asia. They say at any given time, half of Penang is cooking for the other half to eat.
Food is everywhere. From hawker carts lining the narrow streets and alleyways to the most modern of cafes. Food courts, hawker centres, restaurants of every persuasion, hotels, cafes and fine dining. Vegetarian, healthy options and specialty outlets abound. It's almost overwhelming with its choices.

A George Town Hawker Area
We can suggest a priority list of places for you to enjoy your lunches and dinners depending on your food preferences.
6: It's Affordable:
Although Penang prices are slowly but steadily rising, it is still much cheaper to live here than it is in Australia, the U.S. or Europe.
The Ringget is relatively weak at the moment, so exchange rates are good. A fine noodle dish like Char Koay Teow which would cost around AUD15 in Australia can be purchased from a Penang Hawker for the equivalent of AUD2.
Not everything is as spectacularly cheap but on average most things are around a third the price they are in Australia.
7: Meet and Greet:
When you arrive in a strange country it's always nice to have someone waiting for you at the airport ( or bus / train station ) to escort you out of the chaos and safely to your hotel.
Either myself ( John ) or Veronica or both of us will be there to welcome you. It's also a good opportunity to brief you on the coming days or weeks and for us to get more of an understanding of what you want to do during your stay.
8: Special Activities:
Penang is a tropical island. Half the island is a busy metropolis, the other half is farms, kampongs ( Malay villages ) and jungle. There are so many things to do both within the urban landscape and in the natural surroundings.
We can recommend and/or guide you through some of the main attractions and other activities that most tourists never find.

Walk through Jungle to Monkey Beach
Options include Jungle trekking ( we have a favourite walk through dense jungle to a beautiful tropical beach - but if you really enjoy trekking, our friend Peter can take you into the heart of the jungle on countless unmapped trails ), cooking class, photography trails, historic tours, festival events - both International and local cultural celebrations, coffee trail, batik classes, museums, shopping expeditions, local trades, community talks & projects, local markets etc etc.
Of course there will also be plenty of time for Tai Chi.
9: Be More Than a Tourist:
Perhaps the single most valuable resource we can offer visitors to Penang, apart from Tai Chi, is to be able to put you in direct touch with the local community and on differing levels.
When you visit a foreign place as a tourist, you are somewhat estranged from the locals who interact with you on a mostly commercial basis.
When you come here to learn Tai Chi, you will almost instantly become part of a broader community, from the local students who join us for an hour's practice in the morning ( and often we all have breakfast together afterwards ), to the cafe & restaurant owners, local traders, friends and neighbours who will all adopt you as a friend.

Some of our Students with Master Peter Lim's Group in Penang
It's an opportunity to share different cultures by experiencing George Town beneath the tourist facade. Most people who come here make lifelong friends among Penangites. It's one of those places where people just keep coming back to.
10: Shopping:
Not everyone's cup of tea and generally Penang is no more special than other parts of Asia but there are a wide range of things to buy from night market goods through to the most chic of designer wear.
What ever you want, we should be able to direct you to the right place. Many people who come here enjoy purchasing cheap tai chi clothing such as long pants and loose cotton tops.
In summary, if you're looking to begin learning tai chi or broaden your existing knowledge, then nothing beats quantum learning.
Away from the usual distractions of work and home life, you can learn new skills while being on holiday in one of Asia's most interesting locations.
We are not stars but we are well grounded in the important aspects of tai chi and have a wealth of teaching experience.

With Vera Hsu's Tai Chi Group in George Town
If it sounds like the ideal mix of self improvement and recreation, then fill out the brief contact form here and we can discuss options with you.
Whether you're a group, a couple or an individual, everyone's needs ( accommodation, training, sight-seeing, special interest & time frames ) will be different, so there are no costs advertised here.
However you will find it relatively inexpensive and excellent value. Once we know what you want, then we can give you an idea of cost. Hope you can join us in Penang.